How do you find your voice? What does it mean to have a unique voice? And why does voice matter so much at this noisy, crowded moment?

Check out what our expert guests have to say in this episode of Margins. Add us to your podcast feed and listen in!

How can you say what you really mean without getting choked up?

Ita Olsen is a voice coach who helps people channel their physical voices to say what they really mean and get people to listen.

“So, the deal with the voice actually, physiologically, is that your throat closes up. You’ve heard of the expression verklempt or even being choked up, it’s physically your throat becomes closed, and you cannot get the words out.”

She teaches abdominal breathing exercises to get rid of stress and bring out your true voice.

“Breathing in causes you to find whatever tension is in your body, and then breathing out causes you to eliminate that tension”

How do you get to know someone else’s voice?

Cathie Ericson is a ghostwriter who helps people turn their ideas into writing. In her writing process, first she tries to make her subject feel relaxed and talkative to eliminate any nervousness. Then she coaches them on turning their ideas into something that’s relatable and readable.

Her advice for finding your most relatable voice:

“Think about the things that you like to read that are engaging for you to read. Think about the words that people use there. They don’t use a bunch of buzzwords. … They’re interesting to read because you can relate to them, so we’re going to figure out how to find that voice.”

How do you cut through all the noise and say something new?

Katie Martell is a marketing consultant who helps tech companies overcome a big challenge in today’s market: A lot of people are focused on the same buyers, and selling them very similar solutions.

Because the market is so crowded (and because almost all of those companies are producing content), she says that finding a unique perspective is more important than ever.

She recommends asking a simple question:

“Does the content you’re producing make it clear what you stand for?”

You’ll only differentiate yourself if you take a stand and say something that’s different than what everyone else is saying. Your message should demonstrate what your company stands for, and what you’ll help your audience achieve within that vision.

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